Sunday, 13 March 2011

Animation Studio 3D

Illusion Mage - Seth Avery

First of all, IllusionMage has a very passionate, dedicated and experienced owner.

Seth Avery had certainly put in tons of effort in putting together what I call the "Ultimate 3D Animation Kit". It consists of an amazing 3d animation software with video tutorials and guides.

I think this is extremely important because I've tried plenty of other 3D animation programs which are very difficult to learn. Some have very steep learning curves which is simply not user friendly. (who wants to spend weeks trying to put together a simple animation?) You know what I mean if you’ve tried to use other animation software with frustration. That's not even mentioning the pricey fees you have to pay to get Maya or 3DMax.

Well fortunately, these flaws and mistakes are hardly be seen in IllusionMage

Here's why it beats the competition:

*The fully-featured 3d animation software that rivals Maya & 3DMax

* Easy to create stunning animations like Pixar - without the headaches

* 6 Hours of Step by step videos instructions guiding you along

* The first 3D software that comes with a 60 day money back guarantee

The heart of this package is the amazing 3D animation software which is jam packed with features that rivals the leading 3D software like Maya.

IllusionMage is designed for anyone who wants to create animations like the Hollywood Studios, the easy and quick way.

In my opinion, it doesn’t matter at all if you’re beginner who has never done any animation before as this is the easiest way to start creating stunning animations. IllusionMage has provided tons of tutorials (videos + guides) to hold your hand every step of the way.

Another thing worthwhile mention is that they offer a 60 day money back guarantee. That means you get to try the entire fully functioning software package WITHOUT risk for 60 days. If you like it, keep it. If not, they'll simply refund you. I've not come across any other 3D software that offers this.

Negative Review:

Here’s the negative part.

I feel that the members area have pretty large downloads and certain files may take you longer time to complete the downloads due to their sizes. However, this is completely understandable as there is so much materials. You can opt for the DVD (physical edition) in the members area which alleviates this problem.


Is IllusionMage a worthwhile investment?

Honestly, I haven’t seen any 3D animation software with such features available at such a low price. Have you?

The quality of the animations and the ease of use are probably among the best that I’ve seen… and yes, we have nearly missed out one of the most important parts- the video tutorials that's included for free! (gets you started fast!)

plus, for every single style animation, there is a video lesson to go along. Which other animation package offers that?

Animation Studio 3D - Implications

The Implications of 3D Computer Animation

3D computer animation is making a big impact in the animation industry. Realism is the key for the rising demand of 3D animation. It is a challenging technology for prospective artists and for professional animators alike to develop new editions and versions of the existing 3D animation programs. The frames of the models and the shots are sometimes simple, but the motion or the movements of the characters is where the creativity and skills of the animator comes in.

In 3D computer animation, visual styling is one of the categories that need to be considered. It is not just how the objects being animated are going to look but it also focuses on how the images are going to be rendered, as well as the methods to be used for animation. It is about the complexity of the process. The production of the object must be capable being done within the limits of the work. Blending the motion of the characters is possible to achieve with the use of many new sources, provided that the movements of the cartoon is realistic. Planning and putting guidelines before the actual production of the picture must be done. Directing the movements of the character must be done by actual people who are experts in taking shots of any characters motion. Cinematography is also a vital element of animation since the animators have the power to control the position and the movement of the camera when doing a computer animated picture.

3d Computer Animation

In the actual story, the sequence of the drawn images and the applied lighting has a big impact. These aspects of the process are done during the planning stage and the formation of the three dimensional characters. Facial animation is now more prioritized than in the past when it comes to 3D computer animation. Even the slow blinking of the eyes and the movements of the eyeballs are now given detailed attention. Facial manipulation level and the methods on how it will be done will give each character a good effect and style.

If you are planning to enroll in animation schools and you are interested to become an animator, try to do some early work on 3D animation programs to practice your skills. Whichever field you are leaning to, and whatever direction you would like to go in the field of animation, it is still better to have an idea on how have the basic skills in 3D computer animation. 3D computer animation is considered one of the most popular types of animation today. It includes making films, video games, and animated characters. Entering an animation school is the best way to improve your potentials and to learn everything about three dimensional computer animations. It will surely help you in deciding what career in the field of animation to take.

Animation Studio 3D - How to Land a Job as an Animator

In a typical animation career you wear many hats. You may have a specific expertise, but chances are that just as often, you’ll juggle many skills and titles from job to job. Animation artists find most of their work via word of mouth. No offense to agents, reps, and recruiters, but to succeed in finding work in the business of animation is to develop and maintain relationships. We are, as Barbra Srteisand sang it, “people who need people.”

The Simple Truth:

The key to finding work in animation is to accept that this is a people-driven industry. People who know people who recommend people who hire people. Those who take a negative view of the importance of relationships to the job hunt boil it down to, “its all based on who you know”. This makes “who you know” sound like some random act of luck. In reality, you are responsible for “who you know”, for the relationships you create and sustain. Relationships require energy and effort.

The business of animation in North America is small enough that even within a few short years, you could know someone connected to every studio on the continent. We’re all six degrees from our animation Kevin Bacons. Simple enough, right? But these truths are not self-evident and if they are, we certainly don’t behave all the time as if we hold this to be true. This simple truth will show up over and over again in this book.

While there’s no guaranteed way to find work in the animation industry, there are a lot of things we can do to create the best possible odds for success. Happily, finding work in the animation industry is something that gets easier over time, as you expand your network of contacts and your reputation open doors for you.

Sustaining Relationships Can Lead To Work:

In the animation industry, sometimes, the most effective job-hunting happens in the most indirect way. Often, even when we make a good connection at a studio, the timing is not right for an immediate job. So, what can we do to “hang around” until something opens up without risking a restraining order? My favourite solution si to stay in touch with people via the ocassional email.

Recently, I was in a producer’s office when he received n email from a mutual friend of ours. “I guess he’s out of work again,” said the producer.  I asked how he knew that without reading the e-mail. The producer replied, “This guy only e-mails me when he needs work.”

People are not keeping in touch with their contacts enough while they are working. We need to nurture our contacts. Periodically send out updates to your contacts. Let them know where you’re working and why it’s a great experience. Either way, your contacts will be tickled that you thought of them. Over the years, I have received a few job offers as a result of mailing out some congratulatory message. While I wouldn’t say sending out email messages and updates should be anyone’s main focus for job-hunting, they are a part of what builds up a career over time.